Ingredients:1 lg. heirloom tomato or 2-3 roma tomatoes (any tomato of your choice will work fine)1 lg. sweet onionbalsamic vinegarolive oilsalt & fresh ground pepper Directions:Slice tomato and onion thinly (don’t dice) and layer in a wide, shallow bowl or container. Drizzle with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and sprinkle with …
Tracy’s Thai Peanut Coleslaw
1 tablespoon fresh-ground, all-natural peanut butter – put in bottom of large “cereal-type” bowl Add – 3 tablespoons soy sauce – mine is the Lite version – less sodium heavy sprinkling dry ginger – you could grate fresh, if you prefer 1 packet Stevia – or use Agave Nectar 2 …
Tracy’s Butternut Squash Soup
Ingredients –1 medium butternut squash (half is all you need, so if you can buy one already halved, great! If not, buy a whole one and you’ll have enough to make this again later.)1″ slice silken tofu (soft)3 chicken or vegetable bullion cubes3 cups hot waterOnion salt, salt, pumpkin pie …

Tracy’s Almond Apple Bar
2 cups Tracy’s Basic Bar Mix1 cup date base – (cover 3/4 c. pitted dates with very warm water – just enough to cover – & soak 30 minutes. Put all in food processor & blend till smooth and creamy)1 cup raw apple pulp or natural apple sauce1/3 cup agave …
Smokey Nacho Cheese Sauce
1/2 large red bell pepper3/4 c water1 c raw cashews, sunflower seeds, or almonds1 T tahini2 T nutritional yeast1 ½ teaspoon sea saltsSmall slice of onion1 clove garlic2 T lemon juiceFew shakes chili pdrSplash tabasco sauceCouple drops liquid smoke flavorDrizzle of agave nectar Blend until creamy. Add more water if …
Tracy’s Raw Ice Cream Recipes
Vanilla Ice Cream Base – 2 cups cashews – soaked overnight and drained of water. Reserve liquidApproximately 1 cup soak liquid2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract1/3 cup light agave nectar 6 Shakes salt Chocolate Almond Ice Cream – 1 cup vanilla ice cream base1/3 cup raw cacao powder5 more shakes salt2 packets …
Tracy’s Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
1 c. steel cut oats1/4 c. golden flax seed1/2 c. almonds1/2 c. unsweetened, shredded coconut1/3 c. honey or agave nectar1/2 c. raisins1/2 tsp. sea salt1/2 tsp. allspice1/4 tsp. ginger1/4 tsp. cloves1/4 c. olive oil Grind first three ingredients (seperately) in a coffee grinder until a fine powder. Combine in a …

Tracy’s Carrot Cake Bars
2 cups basic mix1 cup pecans – ground1 cup date base4 large carrots – juiced. Pulp only1 large can pineapple chunks – juiced. Pulp only1/3 cup agave nectar1/2 tsp. salt2 tsp vanilla1 tsp. cinnamon1/2 tsp. ground ginger1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
Tracy’s Cookie Bar Base
Bar Base – 1/2 cup brown flax seeds – ground into flour1 cup steel cut oats – ground into flour1 cup raw almonds – ground into flour
Tracy’s Basic Yogurt Recipe
1 cup+ frozen strawberries, slightly thawed under running warm tap water1/2 cup water1 medium avocado1 Tbl. honey2 packets stevia1 tsp. vanillla *AMAZING with frozen orange juice concentrate!